Simona Uberto

Belongings! My artworks are a glimpse of everyday life, they belong to a place and a time, ours. Together in the fragility of existence". 

My artworks are a cross section of everyday life, they belong to a place and a time, ours.

Born in Savona in 1965, Simona Uberto plays with human silhouettes and with everyday life. No painting, no canvases, nor oil paintings that paint surfaces, whereas the wall verticality becomes a straight line parallel to the motionless strolling figures attached to it. 

Simona Uberto is professor of painting at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. From 1989 on she had solo and group exhibitions, showing sculptures and  photography installations.

Reference gallery: Melesi Gallery in Lecco. She collaborated with several galleries: Maab Gallery in Padova, Romberg Gallery in Latina, Rossmut Galleryin Rome, Colophonarte in Belluno. Main critics and curators who wrote about the work: Giorgio Bonomi, Alberto Fiz, Simona Bartolena, Maria Laura Gelmini, Melania Rossi, Francesca Brambilla, just to name a few.

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